Writing Wednesday: Romancing The Book – writing & marketing the Romance Genre [Podcast] (#amwriting)

Sylvia Hubbard – Romancing the Book: writing and marketing the Romance Genre

Interviewed  Author Access Radio

Victor R. Volkman and Tyler Tichelaar spoke with Sylvia Hubbard. She has independently published 4 paperback books and over 10 e-books. Her foundation genre has always been romance, but she has ventured into suspense, erotic, mystery, paranormal and inter-racial. Sylvia shared with us essential aspects of the romance genre, marketing techniques for romance writers, and how to build a following of readers outside the bookstore. Sylvia Hubbard
Always urban and contemporary styled, her writing is enjoyed all over the world by all nationalities. In the upcoming year, she will be featured in several anthologies & will be publishing another paperback and 4 more e-books. She has a degree in Marketing/Management and minored in journalism, broadcasting (Specs Howard), drama, html programming, teaching assistant, customer service specialist, and commercial art.

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