#SampleWednesday, that was supposed to be #TeaserTuesday for πŸ”₯ Wicked Chances. Re-Release πŸ“šon eBook and newly release paperback July1st πŸ—“οΈ #syllit #intriguesuspense #blackmarriage #realestateromance #heartofdetroit companion novel

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All links in the live will be available July1st

Themes and Tropes

  • Blackmail Romance
  • Suspenseful Thriller
  • Forbidden Love Story
  • Family Drama Fiction
  • Survival Suspense Novel
  • Strong Female Protagonist
  • Emotional Romantic Suspense

About this story:

A woman with her children on the run from her past swears never to be another man’s whore. Now her baby’s father turns up dead and not only is his loan shark after her, but the police are after her as well.

Yet, when the malevolent, real estate accountant, Sterling Newman, finds out she is the key to completing his dream property, he blackmails her into marriage or turns her over to police.

Forced to marry in order to save her life and the lives of her children, Blair Wright vows to hate him forever. Yet, somehow he finds a way to make her body betray her heart.


β€œWhat’s your name?” he asked facing her.

His tone of voice demanded that she answer, but Blair had gone through the gambit of men forcing her, beating her and yelling at her. Now that she was away from her former life and her kids well-being meant everything to her now, she was determined to stand up for herself and not just accept being treated like tissue on the bottom of someone’s shoe. Her identity meant everything to her and to give it away so easily was just not within her to do at this time.

β€œI should go,” she said holding her eyes down to show only docility, hoping he would feel pity and let her go.

β€œWhy are you doing this?”

β€œI really should go.”

He didn’t move from the pathway to the door and his body was large enough to block her from leaving. Blair hoped the big guy hadn’t gone too far.

Yet, being docile wasn’t going to cut it with him, so Blair decided to just lay out the truth with him. β€œWhat do you want from me, honestly? You don’t want to really know my name? You don’t really care what happens to me? So, what do you really want?”

He looked conflicted and turned his body slightly away, but then back to her. Running a frustrated hand through his hair and even hitting his fist on his powerful thighs – thighs she remembered gripping her and how his body had gyrated on the back of her. She was only slightly curious as to how he would feel on top of her.

β€œCan I meet you somewhere? Another day?” he asked, stepping toward her. There was an urgency coming from him, which she could feel radiating over to her. β€œWhere we can talk comfortably.”

β€œNo,” she said determinedly. The negative statement shot out of her mouth quickly, harshly, as if he had insulted her and she stepped back, because his proximity did something to her senses. That was something that a man had not done in a long time, and it scared her, because that β€œsomething” had caused her to become something she didn’t want to be anymore.

He would only make her become something she didn’t want to become.

His eyes turned darker. He looked very angry; but he moved out of her way, letting her walk by him to get to the door. She held back her look of relief because she knew whenever she showed Ray Sr., she was glad, he would slap her on the side of her face with the back of his hand.

This one just grabbed her arm just as she opened the door.

β€œPlease,” he said in a deep whisper with a desperation that stirred her soul.

book info | about author | more books by author | buy direct from author

All links in the live will be available July1st

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