Chapter/Episode 53 – Doing It for the Foundation and Family-POSTED🔥✍🏾📚 love|deceit|throuples| revenge|friendship|HEA❤️#syllit #writerslife | Premium #Sneakreaders #KindleVella| #REAM | Enjoy LIKE FOLLOW FAVE SHARE #reamstories

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About the book:

Derek seeks revenge on ex-friend Maddox Ryan for a deadly fire he thinks killed his fiance, Adira. He sabotages Maddox Ryan’s philanthropy firm but discovers his former friend’s innocence. As the sabotage continues, everyone outside of their throuple becomes prime suspects. It is a tale of betrayal, revenge, and the complex bonds of friendship with second chances.

I’ll keep you posted when the initial post is up, but you can also follow me on Amazon on my author’s page.

Chapter update: 05/23/2024

What happened in this chapter:(stop if you haven’t read it yet; spoilers might be mentioned)

Adira recognizes a familiar face in Ryleigh, a woman she met at the spa. Ryleigh, dressed in pink, is surprised to see Adira. Adira reassures her husband Maddox that Ryleigh is trustworthy, hinting at underlying issues without revealing too much. Maddox shows his appreciation, but tension arises when Everett, Maddox’s cousin, reacts grumpily.

They all sit for dinner, and Everett bluntly questions Ryleigh’s intentions. Adira encourages a more comfortable environment before Ryleigh explains her medical condition and dire financial situation, which includes a desire for a family and to clear her name from her sister’s embezzlement. Despite Everett’s skepticism, Ryleigh insists she doesn’t want money, just a chance to marry, have a baby, and resolve her debts independently.

The conversation gets intense, with Adira negotiating terms and conditions, including medical expenses and maternity leave. Finally, Maddox forces Everett into a grudging yet formal proposal, which Ryleigh accepts, bringing a sense of relief to Maddox and Adira.

Adira reflects on her gratitude for Maddox’s support and the sacrifices made for their family’s reputation and foundation.


So I got absolutely no feedback from the summarizer- and I’m glad. There are probably some sentences that could be adjusted but I read them in outline with Grammarly added and it’s going to stay like that until final print edits. Lmk if it reads well.

Ryleigh’s condition can be found in detail in Delilah’s desire. Her family’s degradation starts in Eve’s Deception but she is also a long-lost cousin to Skye Patterson Newman in Dreams of Reality

You’re probably wondering how the aunts have so much power over Maddox but that’s how his f’d up family is and I’ll get into this a little later, but for now, their rule over the foundation and family is absolute.

Jump in the comments, or join us in the FB group (Sylvia Hubbard’s Lit World) and talk away.

Don’t forget to lmk: Are you #TeamDerek or #TeamMaddox?

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And while you’re on Amazon, get the companionship book to Desire’s Tryst, which is Delilah’s Desire and Eve’s Deception

Other companionship books

His Substitute Wife… Her Sister – Nevada (she appears in others, but this is where she starts)

She Works Hard For The Money

Tanner’s Devil

Sin’s Iniquity

Continue following this post or read other updated posts to see this companionship books list grow (or read ALL my books so you’re already familiar with them when they pop in.)

Answers to Frequent Questions

I’m working in on the story. I’m trying to move away from Google docs.

I like adding my author’s notes (keep track of what I say and offer more words without worrying about a word count like when I type it fresh in the Kindle Vella platform.

I’m also using to keep up with my word count and offer beta copies behind a paywall for my premium and alpha readers. This is fun and exciting. Maybe I’ll offer it over on my site in a full book later. We’ll see how the turnout comes.

I’m using my blog to track my writer’s thoughts. I can’t share the deep ones in the Author’s Notes; only real writers can understand.

So I did use ChatGPT to help me outline after giving it a detailed synopsis (about a page long), but I’m finding myself moving a lot of things around at least having an outline to remember a lot of the things I’d have to come back and add.

It’s my first time using ChatGPT on a live book, and I hope this will help this paper write a lot faster so I can give my readers the chapters.

Moving things around meaning, a lot of the things ChatGPT told me to write in Chapters 3 and 4 I managed to manipulate in Chapter 1, and then in Chapter 4, I’m pulling from Chapters 5 and six, so I’m a little ahead of the game, but I’m still following The Save the Cat method in my telling of the story.

Having the outline makes me write more because I know where I’m going, and I can map out in my head better how to get to scenes faster and not be so wordy.

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My editing process.”

I use Grammarly, which works well in Livingwriter and then I’ll post it in my Kindle Vella, check the grammar some more, read it out loud, and then if I’m satisfied, I’ll post it.

Got questions? Ask away in the comments. I’m eager to share my journey and work out any confusion.

Don’t forget the companionship stories are Eve’s Deception (AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON) and Delilah’s Desire (IN THE KINDLE VELLA LIBRARY) / While you’re waiting for the next episodes, grab those and other to catch up in The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard. Want to talk about the book with the author? Join the FB Group Sylvia Hubbard’s Lit World 

Start reading on Kindle Vella  Ream Premium Member SylLitReads Links

The Premium member link version will have questions and challenges, which I hope you all enjoy. But we did get the image from them. (Derek looks so handsome)

If you’d like to be an Alpha reader, tap me in the comments or DM me on my social media. Swag is promised for reader love and reviews. (You must get an account with

If you are a Premium Member, you can start reading for FREE – no tokens necessary by going into your member section. Sign in to the main Member page by clicking here and then go to the link to start reading the chapters. I hope you answer the questions and do the challenges because the one that does the most gets the best swag!

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Here we go… on to the next chapter / or episode as they say in Kindle Vella land.

How’s your writing and reading journey going? Let me know in the comments.


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