20 things most people don’t know about me (Part1) #michlit @SylviaHubbard1

As promised the 20 Things Most people don’t know about me. I’m telling gems about myself. Funny thing, I had to really think of some of these things because they are buried so deep inside, I really don’t allow them to come to the surface.

I was going to make a video. I need to make a video, but I’m not like presentable enough to make a video. My hair looks bad, but face is awful and I’m exhausted. Plus it’s a sucky day in Detroit.


I took a picture. Currently w/#mademynight and just trying to get on Chapter 7 of Two Ways To Pleasure.

Sigh… Yeah, I’m feeling like that.

But I promised you a blog post this weekend and I’m going to do it so here ya go:

20 things most people don’t know about me (Part 1)

1.  I love the color purple. Always have been fascinated by the color and recently learned a lot of color blind people can’t even see the different shades of purple,. I take pride my eyes are still good enough to see the color differences,
2. I’m addicted to buying movies. Any kind. Any type. Almost anyone except c-movies and independent films. Very picky about those.
3. I have an animosity for people who don’t read and write and make a point to express this to me. Now if you don’t read write or hate fictional movies, I’m really not feeling you. The choice you make not to use your imagination or stretch out your imagination at least once a week is denying something only humans can have.
4. I believe if you are not being an asset to this world you’re just a liability.
5. I recognize I’m weird and I like it.
6. I was born with a hernia and had it removed when I was six.
7. Since then I suffer from migraines. Usually 2 to 3 a month.
8. My first pregnancy was a c section and my other two was natural child birth. At 30, i got my tubes tide. I happy with 3 kids and i enjoy being a mother. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke. Never liked it and i never will.
10. I have a very ugly sharp and sometimes cruel sarcastic sense of humor.

Part 2 should come soon. See you tomorrow!

twoWaysToPleasurefeaturedImageIf you want to join the live story, please go to http://sylviahubbard.com/livestory to find out how. I thank all the many participants who are enjoying the story. I’ll be posting their comments about the story soon to put more fodder in this blog.

For the others who are participating, I will be publishing another story as well. Soon for download, so I hope you can wait while i get it all together.

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