Author’s Note: #Betrayed #CityBoys & #HisSubstituteWife #SneakReaders #amreading

If you are new to the livestory concept, then I guess I will explain what Author Notes are.

author’s notes in a livestory of The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard are usually dreded updates from the author where I tell you bad news.

Such as it is with this one.


betrayedGet Your copy of Betrayed at Amazon – Smashwords or use links to leave reviews and share!

The planned release of the book for Friday has been moved to Sunday.

It was fricking cold!

Not just outside, but in my house.

It all started at the beginning of the week when two pipes burst and then the temps dropped to -40 in Detroit.

I was huddled next to the electric heater trying to type up the story occassionally stopping to warm up the tips of my fingers which had started to freeze.

I pressed through a first draft and now I’m going over it.


DTE can’t come fix the blower on the furnance until Monday.

Until then it’s huddle against the electric heater as I slowly work through giving Jackson a purpose.

Also, through the middle of the first part, I changed the male characters name from Austin to Jackson.

So if you guys see any Austins in the story, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

And sometimes my brain thought Melissa and Megan were the same thing. So if you see a mix up, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

I appreciate your support.

The book is actually selling better than my other books this month.

Which is crazy, but hey, I ain’t complaining.

Get Your copy of Betrayed at Amazon Smashwords or use links to leave reviews and share.


hissubCoverGet Your copy of His Substitute Wife at Amazon Smashwords or use links to leave reviews and share.

If you didn’t know, The second book is due to be release on Jan 15th.

If you were a pre-reader (and there were over a hundred pre-readers) you should have put you review somewhere online.

I’m sad to say, over 92% of the pre-readers didn’t do what they were suppose to do. Well, according to Amazon with on SEVEN reviews.

That sucks because the point of being a pre-reader was to help generate press about the book.

I’m going to send a note to all to all the pre-readers to remind them about doing a review.

If you’ve done one. THANK YOU!

If it’s at another place like Goodreads or B&N or even Apple, please leave a link in the comments below so I may link to it or even go read it.

I want to thank you guys for all your pushing and throwing to other readers.

I’ve picked up fans in 2013, which I can never say thank you enough.

But I can get you to fight over something…

A paperback copy of His Substitute Wife… My Sister.

In Two days, I’ll be holding a real live copy in my hand and after I review it and authograph it personally, I’m going to give it away to the a reader.

A reader who has done a review.

So hit me up on the socials with a link, leave a comment with a link to show me you’ve done your review and put it out there for the world to see.

I’ll be picking names next Friday, (After the 15th) so get out there, read the book and do the review!

Now to say this isn’t a gift, I should share, I haven’t sent out an authograph copy of anything in YEARS!

I can’t wait to see the fighting.

Get Your copy of His Substitute Wife at Amazon Smashwords or use links to leave reviews and share.

Onward I go back to typing! Staying warm, drinking the ginger, honey, garlic tea. Got my blankets (although I feel I need more) and getting the gloves out to keep the tips of my fingers warm.


10 thoughts on “Author’s Note: #Betrayed #CityBoys & #HisSubstituteWife #SneakReaders #amreading

  1. This winter is getting the best of everyone, stay warm!! Sunday is just around the corner.
    there’s two different ages for Jordyn I believe the first one mentioned is 8 then the second time it was 10.
    I will be sure to write a review.

      1. It’s Jackson’s age when his mother committed suicide not Jordyn. Age ten is the second page (kindle location 597) in chapter 5, age 8 is also in chapter 5 page 8(kindle location 636).

  2. Hi Ms. Sylvia,

    You know I will always have your back. I did a review for His Substitute Wife on amazon, and posted it to my FB page when I done it. I am a true supporter of your novels.

  3. Yes Mrs Sylvia another winner. A tease but still a winner. You always keep us on the edge scrapping for more. Lol I can’t wait till the next book. Something about that Lincoln honey, he seems a little sneaky. He is up to something lol. I loved seeing Charisse in the book. I’m 100% rooting for her in “His Substitute Wife, My Sister”. So I don’t want to say to much but after realizing that Jackson’s fathers job is the same biz that Jordyns “mom” had affiliations with I’m anxious to see how this plays out towards Charisse n Jackson “friendship”. Lol keeping them coming. And p.s so happy to see ur able to start the year off with a few books back to back. Bc waiting to long is not good for my nervs when it comes to ur books. Lol. Lova ya Mrs Sylvia. 🙂 pss. Hope my review helps u. Ha

  4. Sorry I have not wrote a review in a while but school got me swooped I will finish up the books this weekend and write reviews ….you till are the best …

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