Now reading: Cause of Death.. I love research! #amreading #amwriting

There’s nothing to justify thinking about murder all the time except to become a serial killer or a suspense/mystery writer.

I would also say a mother too because sometimes you really want to kill that kid when he acts up but then you’d go call the peoples. (wink wink)

This book is packed with information about the subject I love the most… Murder.

Who else can say that?

(I’m excitedly speaking when I say this nut I don’t want to seem too excited so I nixed the exclamation points.)

Man, this book goes into what to look for in murdered victims and how injuries to the body can be describe with which weapon.

I was especially loving the Murder or suicide chapter.

Does this mean I’m not well? One beer short of a dick pack? One nut my momma should swallowed?

Wait for it… You’ll get that last one.

I’m fine. I’m normal because I release that tension in my writing. Hopefully I can always keep writing and the world will be safe… For now.

Btw, this book is available on Amazon if you’re interested.


connect with me on Twitter @SylviaHubbard1