How to Love a Black Woman Update: Please don’t give a Joe Wilson Apology when you make a mistake

Please don’t give a Joe Wilson Apology when you make a mistake

Being sorry when you have done something majorly wrong is the worse feeling of all, but accepting the apology from someone who had done something majorly wrong is even harder.

Last night GOP Rep Joe Wilson was “over emotional” and heckled President Obama during his speech by shouting out “liar.”


Yes! That’s was I said. Was this high school? No. Was this middle school? No! This was a political floor where people have sweated blood and tears to build and respect and in one instance of impropriety some nutshell decides to disgrace the government arena.

Here’s my rant I posted on CNN about this:
Public office at all times should be held in high regard especially for the person sitting in the office itself.

PUBLIC office appearances no matter the situation (whether its in a good or bad situation) should never EVAH be negative.

I don’t think I can accept his apology at this time, because: