The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard wishes you and yours, Happy New Year | #2020

As we close the year here, we have to say thank you to our old readers for hanging on and believing in us and the new readers for coming in and making yourself comfortable. I can’t believe it’s been four books and I really love the stories.

They weren’t forced or hard to get on paper, most of the time, my excuse is time.

I’d love to just sit in a chair and write more. For that, I’m going to need your help.

Share more, comment more and most definitely review more.

If you’re a subscriber, please personally get in touch with me for your end of the year, Lit Box from me. I want to send it to you, but with no address I can’t.

We end the year with stats:

Our website traffic is over half a million visitors

  • Average daily traffic to the site has been minimum 100 and the highest day had been over 2000. That was in the midst of the live story this year, His African Sweetheart.

Books published this year

Launched the exclusive store for Th Literary world of Sylvia Hubbard | Click here

I created a lot more video content on you youtube channel | Click here

And generated a nice amount in royalties even from Barnes and Nobles and iBooks (Apple). I even started uploading to Google Play.

For 2020, I’m releasing  Black’s Innocence, King’s Paradise and most definitely starting on the Bellini’s series since I’m done with the Black Family. I only stopped writing full books about them. The Blacks will appear somewhere and there’s still some unresolved resentment and the matter of why they do the things they do.

Please share you 2019 thoughts about my literary works, upcoming projects and anything else in the comments.

Don’t forget, you can still become a subscriber and support me






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