Hope is Love – Chapter 13.1 | free Live Work In Progress

Hope is Love – Chapter 13.1 – Work in Progress – Live Story Hope Is Love

interracial – suspense – romance – sensual noir

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11 thoughts on “Hope is Love – Chapter 13.1 | free Live Work In Progress

  1. How you just gonna leave a sista hanging like that lol. I’m gonna need another update like now lol.

    What is James up to now? He just about got Hope ready to bend at his will and he wants to ask questions now…goodness gracious. I know Hope feels guilty about pawning the ring (btw why did James have that ring in the first place), but her self preservation needs to kick in. She knows she won’t be able to go back to that basement anymore, and the more reward that James is willing to give her the more it will help her out once she returns to the streets (if she does return).

  2. I have to agree with Dolores…just got us all hanging! I will try to wait patiently for the next update 🙂

  3. sylvia…can NOT leave us hanging like that! omg! pretty please update….like ASAP!

  4. Ethan mentioned to James that they couldn’t find the ring he wore all the time, so I am thinking it is the same ring.

  5. Great post. Did James get the ring from his father? What value does it hold to him? Another post will be great today but I know it will be worth the wait. lol

  6. Things are really heating up. Can’t wait for the next one!

  7. Hopefully once Hope becomes more acclimated with her improved living conditions (albeit she believes it temporary) the less she’ll want to return to the horror of the homeless existence. According to her backstory Hope grew up on the streets with her father until he left/died (?… leaving one to think she had no other lifestyle to compare her’s with. It’s unimaginable to think a sane individual would willingly return to the horror of living on the streets…especially one who experienced a brutal sexual assault resulting in a near fatal abortion. Hopefully Hope will allow James to provide her a better life and take him up on his offer of an education for a better life.

  8. That was really sweet. I’m liking James and Hope. Sylvia is this one of the missing sisters. Faith, Charity, and Hope. So is Hope the missing other sister. I think I said the names right. I have to refresh my memory.

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