Work In Progress Updated: Wrath of Passion … w/Book Cover… What do you think? #WritersLife

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Wrath of Passion

wrat_of_peassionF: Morgan Knight | M: Baracus Wraith

When Morgan struck out on her own without her overbearing mother always in her ear, Morgan moved into an apartment complex she thought would keep away the drama she ran from.

Yet, her odd neighbor who she only sees at night has a weird fetish she can’t help but indulge in.

He loves to make women perform on him in his vehicle in the middle of the night. Peeking out of her window right in front of his carport space she comes upon his night fetish and can’t stop watching… several nights a week.

When he looks up to sees she is watching him… he smiles wickedly. He knows.

Does she still keep watching?

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