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Literary Spotlight: Checkmate by Jonean McLain @jmclain227 via @aambookclub


CHESS is a game meant to be enjoyed, but what happens when the life you live seems to have turned into the game you’ve played for so long? When your friends, whom you’ve once protected in one way, are doing everything now to protect you in another… even if it involves sacrificing themselves.

In chess, you can pretty much predict what your opponent is going to do and when, and in each and every move lies a consequence. In life, you can’t predict anything, you simply live it. Jim Westergren once said, “Probably the biggest difference between a game of chess and life is that in chess you know all the rules and how everything works.”

Follow Jonean as she brings life to the game, using people as the pieces and their real life situations as moves with consequences.

This great read will have you on the edge and anxious to know more, while educating you about chess at the same time.

Learn the game… but more importantly… learn the lesson.

“You Can Run But You Can’t Hide”



THE KING, in chess, is the most valuable piece known for his slow movement. He can only move one square, but in any direction he pleases…

Once your KING is lost, so is the game.

I figured I owed him that much. I can’t quite remember the last time I stepped foot in his church. Shit, I can’t quite remember the last time I stepped foot in anybody’s church.

“Praise the Lord Brother,” said a man with white gloves on as he extended his hand to direct me where to sit.

“Praise the Lord,” I mumbled back.

It was only right.

Ain’t mean nothin’ to me though.

Jonean McLain (pronounced JOHN-NEAN), born to John and Jean on February 27, 1981. At the age of one, Jonean was introduced to her mom’s friend, Ricky Alford; who later became her step-dad. “He’s the greatest Pop a kid could have,” she says. As a child, Jonean always expressed to her mother that she’d be famous or something BIG because her birthday was a TV show “227″. Jonean has had many jobs from hard hats and steel-toed boots to high heels and three piece suits. She currently resides in Baltimore, MD where she’s a School Bus Driver, referring to her bus as “The Magic School Bus.” Jonean shared that she’s had a passion for writing for as long as she can remember. She would turn any project she had to do in school into a poem or short story. She still refers back to a poem she wrote in seventh grade at Hamilton Middle School called “BLACK” where her teacher told her she was an Excellent Writer, and later in her Ninth Grade year at Western High School, she had to do a report for Biology on a plant cell and created a short story called, LIFE IN A PLANT CELL and just as her seventh grade teacher, her ninth grade teacher Mrs. Seiler told her the same thing, “You’re an EXCELLENT writer!”

“I’m not a big reader,” she’d say. “I just  love to write.”

Get to know Jonean:

Q: Why do you write?

A: I write because it gives me that chance to show my creativity, opening those doors where my imagination resides.

Q: Who is your biggest inspiration?

A: My biggest inspiration would have to be two people; therefore, my mom and my son. There’s so much I’d like to do with and for the both of them… They’re my reason(s) for not giving up.

Q: What is your most proud moment?

A: My most proud moment is NOW! I’m actually finishing something I’ve started. I’ve always had great ideas, but that’s how far they went… an idea. I’ve actually set goals and met them.

Q: What’s the top item on your bucket list?

A: The top item on my bucket list would have to be, sky diving. I’ve always wanted to jump from a plane. Don’t ask me why… It’s just a rush I get at the thought. Lol.

Q: What one word best describes you?

A: One word that best describes me is… hmmm… I’d have to go with Creative. Yeah, that’ll work… CREATIVE.

Q: How long have you been writing?

A: Wow! I’ve been writing since I was a youngster… Not that I’m old now. Lol. I’ve always had a thing for painting pictures… even when I tell a story verbally, I’m very descriptive.

Q: What inspired you to write CHECKMATE?

A: I was actually watching my two cousins play chess when I decided to write CHECKMATE. Just something I thought I’d like to take a stab at.

Q: What’s your purpose in life?

A: I’m still wondering what my purpose in life is… I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2004 going in to 2005… I experienced one of the biggest scares. After being in a coma for two weeks and the doctors doubting if I’d make it through the night… Seven years later, and I’m still here. You ask what my purpose is? I can’t answer that Matter Factly… I just know I have one. It may be to help others… I love to help people genuinely without needing the glory or recognition of doing so.



Twitter: @jmclain227


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