The Latest from APOOO Bookclub: Dare To Take Charge by Judge Glenda Hatchett

DARE TO TAKE CHARGE: How to Live Your Life on Purpose by Judge Glenda Hatchett is a very inspirational read. I am sure you have all seen Judge Hatchett on the television and if you have not –you are missing a truly empowering judge. No matter who walks into her court room she is quick to tell them what she thinks and feels, Judge Hatchett points out how wrong they are and is determined to find a solution to whatever the problem may be. She will send young adults away for a wake-up call so they can get back on the right track and make something of themselves. In the beginning of the book, she says “Life is a stern teacher. If we get the message, life supports us. If we stay confused, we have to live through the chaos confusion causes.” Hatchett writes this novel in the hopes of teaching life lessons and strategies, such as: daring to dream and keeping your dreams a high priority; expect more for yourself; make a habit of finding joy in things, even though you may feel like you have fallen, get up, learn your lesson and move on; focus on your progress and not your lack thereof; be honest with yourself; forgive yourself for all the things you have not done and keep it moving; move beyond your mistakes; “seize your future potential by not letting your past hold tomorrow hostage;” and to believe in yourself and dare to take charge of your life.
DARE TO TAKE CHARGE by Judge Glenda Hatchett is a motivational and inspirational book. With each personal story that Judge Hatchett tells, it only drives home the point she is trying to make even more. A very powerful read, one that you will not want to pass up if you are looking for a self-help book.
This book was provided by the publisher for review purposes.
Reviewed by Leona
APOOO BookClub
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Dare To Take Charge by Judge Glenda Hatchett is a post from: APOOO

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