Live Story in 5 Days: Emperor’s Addiction. Are you ready?

EMPEROR'S ADDICTION!!The one woman he knew he should never EVER touch is the one that can cure the pain that he's endured his whole life.As always thank you for supporting my literary endeavors and come to the author's blog and read the live story Emperor's Heart.We'll be starting in FIVE DAYS!!! ARE YOU READY?!Subscribe to … Continue reading Live Story in 5 Days: Emperor’s Addiction. Are you ready?

Feeling Pretty Good – Got a new review! Thanks!

Sylvia is in a good mood today.Sick as a dog, because I’m still sick from the pneumoniaand feeling nauseated from all the medicine their giving me, but when I went onAmazon today I got a review on my newest title,Secrets, Lies and Family Ties.Sylvia does it again., May 21, 2008J. McNeil(Baltimore,MD USA) - Seeall my … Continue reading Feeling Pretty Good – Got a new review! Thanks!