Eva: Let me recheck the file…. okay, I just did and if you downloaded it within the last 24 hours from you should have pulled up the entire file of 312 pages.

Shay: I just posted

Anonymous1: Do I know how to end the story? Yes. Building, but I know I need to go a lot faster.

Anonymous2: Where’s Dwight? Is he coming back? can’t answer that one

Anoymous 3: Is there a book about Dalton? Yes. See comments from last post.

Offline reader: What’s is your next book? I’ll be taking a three month break becasue I got to start planning my literary conference for November and other summer events plus get Tanner’s Devil and Sweet Reunion offical to order through distribution. In the meantime, so the site won’t be stagnant I’ve invited an author friend to come and keep you guys company. someone else said this might be bad for me because ya’ll might like her so much that ya’ll might not come back, but for a month, author, Sydney Molare will come on and give you guys a story and I hope you guys show her mad respect just as you’ve shown me.

Were there any other questions? Issues? I haven’t address? Before I end this in the next five chapters?


  1. I just want to thank you for the fun trip you’ve given us with this book. It’ll just be another one I purchase of your’s off of lulu.

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