Dark Facade – Part 14

Okay folks i really have to work on another website so I won’t be able to
post til tomorrow. (No begging or death threats, LOL.) Please leave comments
though. I want to hear from you and what you think is going to happen.

Somebody asked me what the hell really happened to Lisa (these were the
emails exact words). They asked a million other questions too, but I didn’t
answer them.

I’m just letting you guys know I do know what happened to her and you’ll
figure it out soon enough cause y’alls is smart and all.

Also, someone else emailed me and asked why did I suddenly jump in Phillipe’s head? Well, I couldn’t have done it sooner. I was still pretty much setting up the story and i needed to keep him kind of out there until I knew you gals would be attracted to him. Phillipe’s a complicated man and being in his head was really weird cause I’ve never been in a white man’s head before. I know girls they’re all the same, LOL, but my Phillipe’s got a lot of things going on that I couldn’t let you all know about so I had to be careful about when I decided to get in there.

I’m so excited cause this baby might be a full fledge novel and I haven’t
done that in a year.

Enjoy and don’t forget to comment. It makes me really happy!!!
What’s really amazing is that I’m pumping this baby out really fast. I mean by the time I’m through I can brag that i did a novel in a month. A damn good one too, LMAO.

Part 14

This part of the book is no longer available. This is still available to keep history of author’s comments and readers comments while the book was live.

You may look for this book available for download in two parts at: http://bit.ly/smashhub

Dark Facade Part 14 (c) 2005 Sylvia Hubbard

5 thoughts on “Dark Facade – Part 14

  1. OH MY GOD! How could you leave me hanging like that? I guess I have no choice but to wait until you finish up on the other sites. Please hurry back with Part 15 🙁

  2. *Fanning self furiously* I can’t wait until my SO gets home!!!! That was so HOT!!!!trickie

  3. This was one HOT chapter! Oh man, I can’t wait for the next one. I’m loving the fact that Phillipe can’t maintain his “Master” status when dealing with Maxine. I’m getting the sense that he knows Maxine from somewhere other than this club.I really hope this gets published!

  4. I can’t take too much more. Give me the whole story and pit me out of my misery.

  5. It is gripping. Good work and waiting for the coming chapters…………..

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